Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hepy Holiday Prototaip Logo

Just to introduce our prototaip logo.....
Need to customize for a better look and reflect to your needs.....
Please leave your comments and opinions for us to maximize and come out with the best logo.....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Please welcome the 1st HEPY HOLIDAY group from Kuala Lumpur 24th - 26th July 2009. Diketuai oleh Cik Puan Zaitun Othman

Okay ye kawan-kawan!!..Ini ialah pelampong ye dan gunanye ialah untuk menimbulkan kite ye...pakai ye... caranye macam Kak Ton kite tu pakai...ha pakai-pakai kite nak pergi buat water condifent ye...

Hi everybody!!! PEACE!!..hehe...

Might be some water get into my ears..i'm just acting PEACE!!!

E..e..condifentnye akak..boleh ajar saye tak? saye ni tak condifent condifent lag saye suke mandi mande ni..tambah mandi kat laut ni..air terjun ke..jeram ke..lombong pon kadang-kadang kite curik curik mandi...akak tolon la cndifentkn saye..

Ini terjun mendatak-mendatu..keh keh keh..

kite selam je...kejar kerapu besar kat bawah tu...




Welcome to Hepy Holiday's blog.....
What a pleasure to have you as our beloved guess.....
May this blog give you something that might turn your interest on nature.....
It makes me wonder whether you know that there is a secret place in this world.....
The place which is wonderful, beautiful, colorful and bring peacefulness into your life.....

We welcome you to.....REDANG of paradise